Ensuring the survival of endangered
plants in the Mediterranean

Conservatoire Botanique National de la Corse (Corsica, France)

  Seed bank of the Conservatoire Botanique National de la Corse, Corte. (Photo: C. Flavier)

Seed bank of the Conservatoire Botanique National de la Corse, Corte. (Photo: C. Flavier)

The Conservatoire Botanique National de la Corse  is a service of the Environmental Office of Corsica and received the approval of the French Ministry of the Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning  (MEEDDAT) on the 22nd August 2008.

It became the eleventh national botanical garden of France and is focussed on the study and protection of the flora of Corsica. Also, it is an active member of the National Federation of Botanical Gardens (Fédération des Conservatoires botaniques nationaux).

Plant material before curation process. (Photo: C. Flavier)

Plant material before curation process. (Photo: C. Flavier)

The main activities of the Conservatoire Botanique National de la Corse are:

  • Inventory of flora and natural habitats
  • Flora and habitats conservation (in situ and ex situ, medical and aromatic plants, invasive plants, specialist’s reports, species restoration plans, research, fire dynamics)
  • Collaboration with other institutions (for example, protected areas managers and research institutions)
  • Information and public awareness
  • partnerships related to mycology and lichenology
Drying clean seeds. (Photo: C. Flavier)

Drying clean seeds. (Photo: C. Flavier)

A multi-year agreement with the MEEDDAT is the framework for these activities. Among the staff members, there are five full-time scientists who are specialists in different fields (forest ecology, invasive plants, coastal plants, orchids, ferns, etc.) The Conservatoire Botanique National de la Corse has a Scientific Council whose mission is to guide and supervise its work.