Ensuring the survival of endangered
plants in the Mediterranean

Events & Meetings

Ph.D. Summer School - 2013

Conservation and Management of Plant Diversity in Hotspots
IV PhD. Summer School  (Montarbu di Seui. Sardinia, June 17th-21st 2013)
PhD Summer School Application Form
PhD Summer School Program 2013

Orchid conservation using in vitro techniques Course

A practical course for germination, cultivation and transplantation of temperate-zone terrestrial orchids.

18th – 22nd March 2013

Dr. Simon Pierce
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
University of Milan

More information about this course in this file (pdf).

University of Cagliari PhD Call

University of Cagliari PhD Call

Application deadline 29/11/2012.

PhD Courses on Environmental and applied botany. Coordinator Prof. Gianluigi Bacchetta.

One Scholarship reserved for foreign students and an extra seat without a scholarship.

For more information download the this PDF file.

Contact: Gianni Bacchetta (bacchet@unica.it)

WORKSHOP: Ensuring the survival of endangered plants in the Mediterranean islands

18th-20th April 2013 OrtoBotanico de Catania, Sicily

Draft version. Final programme would be available in the coming weeks [pdf file 101KB]

WORKSHOP - “Ensuring the survival of endangered plants in the Mediterranean islands”

18th-20th April 2013, Catania, Sicily (Italy)


Orto Botanico, Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali, Sez. Biologia Vegetale. Via A. Longo, 19 I - 95125 Catania, Sicily (Italy).


  • Mediterranean flora conservation: challenge and recent advances.
  • Seed dormancy and germination of Mediterranean plants in the framework of operation and management of a Seed Bank.
  • Adding value to ex situ collections: “Link between seed banking of native plant species and ecological restoration”.

Aims of the Workshop:

  • To strength networking in Mediterranean Flora Conservation.
  • To exchange experiences and learn from projects in the Mediterranean Basin that integrates ex situ and in situ conservation.
  • To update the recent advances in Seed banking in the Mediterranean Basin.
  • To disseminate the project “Ensuring the survival of endangered plants in the Mediterranean islands”.

For registration and information contact: g.giusso@unict.it

Deadline for registration: Friday 15th February 2013.

The programme would be available in the coming weeks