Ensuring the survival of endangered
plants in the Mediterranean

Welcome to Seed collections from Cyprus

Last Monday 25th February 2013, the first batch from Cyprus arrived to the Millennium Seed Bank. Siân Wilson (from Technology and Conservation Department) and I opened the batch and we found 59 collections of endangered plant species. With the clean seeds have arrived the first germination test data of the project. It is amazing the diversity of sizes of the Mediterranean seeds from very tinny seeds like the seeds of Aizoon hispanicum to big ones...(read more)
Posted at Mar 11, 2013 | By : | 7 Comments | Tags : Cyprus

Welcome to Seed collections from Sardinia

Seeds from endangered plant species from Sardinia have started arriving to the Millennium Seed Bank very recently. Beverly Maynard (from Technology and Conservation Section) opened the 1st batch the 13th of February and the 5th of March Nicola Mills opened the 2nd one. In total the “Centro Conservazione Biodiversita” has sent 50 seed collections in very good conditions which will be stored at the Millennium Seed Bank. We are looking forward...(read more)
Posted at Mar 11, 2013 | By : | Tags : Sardinia


Ph.D. Summer School (Marghine-Goceano, 2012 September 25-28th) 25th September 2012 In the morning, after a brief introduction of the course held by G. Bacchetta (University of Cagliari), E. Farris (University of Sassari) and G. Fenu (University of Cagliari) proceeded with a lecture on “Forest ecosystems of Sardinia”. Then, it was the turn of A. Abis (Autonomous Region of Sardinia) with a presentation concerning the “The Regional...(read more)
Posted at Mar 06, 2013 | By : | Tags : Summer School Sardinia

Seed collections of 70 endangered plant species from Sicily

Seed collections of 70 endangered plant species from Sicily have recently arrived to the Millennium Seed Bank (4th of December 2012 and 18th of January 2013). They were already clean and they will be stored in the seed bank in the coming weeks. Duplicates of these collections are already stored in the University of Catania. Seed collection of Plantago afra subsp. zwierleinii (Photo: T. Gil) Laura Pearce from...(read more)
Posted at Feb 18, 2013 | By : | Tags : Seed collection Sicily University of Catania

SICILY-SARDINIA (joint field trip and stage) 2-8 December 2012

During my staying in Sardinia, I did several laboratory activities and one field collection. In particular, I applied many protocols on seed conservation, e.g. quarantine (in order to verify the status of fruits and seeds, as well the possible presence of pests or parasites), post-maturation (by controlling temperature and humidity of the collected material in order to complete seeds ripening), seed cleaning (depending on the features of the collected...(read more)
Posted at Dec 20, 2012 | By : |